1 maj 2018 |

Skrivelse tillsammans med SolarPower Europe

Vår skrivelse tillsammans med SolarPower Europe: National Solar Associations Declaration on Self-Consumption.

In the frame of the ongoing discussions on Article 21 of the RED II Recast, the signatories of this letter call on you to recognise and develop a stable, reliable and non-discriminatory framework for self-consumers in Europe.

Self-consumption is a core element of the energy transition and delivers several benefits:

  • The right framework for self-consumption in Europe is key to reduce energy poverty and increase the resilience of energy consumers (i.e. hospitals, schools, houses) to system failures.
  • Installations used for self-consumption support the competitiveness of industrial and commercial consumers, providing European local businesses with stable, clean and affordable energy.
  • Self-consumption drives technological developments which provide European companies with the opportunity to maintain global industrial leadership. Future business models will emerge from the increasing penetration of small-scale renewables in all sectors of the economy: on-site generation combined with storage, digitalisation and home automation appliances will guarantee direct renewable supply to key sectors of the economy such as electro-mobility, or zero-emission buildings. Such installations will also procure valuable services to the electricity grids, setting the stage for the uptake of new services for energy supply and aggregation.
  • Self-consumption provides qualified and local jobs for Europe. Rooftop solar installations could support more than 150.000 jobs in the EU28 by 20201. Today the sector employs over 80.000 people, thus a doubling in employment can occur with the right framework for self-consumption.


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