Svensk Solenergi medverkar i ett projekt som ska kickstarta och likrikta implementeringen av Energigemenskaper i den Baltiska regionen.
I Sverige har förutsättningar för energigemenskaper länge saknats och ännu är modellen inte anammad av allmänheten. Genom virtuella nät där medlemmarna i en energigemenskap ges möjlighet att producera, dela och använda energi, och bara betala energiskatt på den el som köps in från elhandelsbolag, kan en betydligt större del av solelpotentialen tillvaratas.
Projektbeskrivning (EN):
For green transition in the Baltic Sea region, local authorities, SMEs and citizens/interest groups need to raise their capacity - learn new skills how to establish and operate energy communities. For this they need compiled information and good pilot samples to build trust in energy community models that would encourage them to establish more energy communities. StartSun project will tackle the start-up challenge of establishing energy communities by creating the necessary knowledge, documentation and first experience-pilots thus enabling further creation of energy communities in the Baltic Sea region, using the locally available resources, serving its greater energy independence in electricity sector and keeping jobs
in the communities. The Baltic Sea Region countries have implemented and interpreted the Electricity Market Directive and the Renewable Energy Directive differently. Citizen energy communities and renewable energy communities are two names for energy communities that have been introduced through the directives. This project aims to overcome the energy community start up gap, providing Start-Up package for establishing energy communities and will pilot six different types of energy communities through research-based methods, and exchange experience between them to strengthen and speed up creation of energy communities in the Baltic Sea region.
Projektperiod: 1 november 2023 - oktober 2026
Maja Kling Ek, Länsstyrelsen Östergötland
Sara Spjuth, Länsstyrelsen Östergötland
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